WEBSITE: Vinyard Software
ITERATE: NUMERIC and TEXTUAL A computer dataset on terrorist incidents from 1960-today.
DOTS: Data on Terrorist Suspects, a computer dataset of thousands of biographies of terrorists from 1960-today.
Calvin Andrus and Edward Mickolus TRIVIAL TOWERS (Falls Church, Va.: Vinyard Software, 1984), a computerized trivia game using color graphics, animation and music for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer, IBM Personal Computer and compatibles, Atari, and other popular home computers.
Calvin Andrus and Edward Mickolus GAMES/GRAPHICS PACK 1 (Falls Church, Va: Vinyard Software, 1985), a collection of 25 games and graphics demonstrations for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. Offerings include casino games, shoot‑em‑ups, a flight simulator, a fortune teller, a psychiatrist, and a biorhythm generator. Two other GAMES/GRAPHICS PACKs provide similar entertainment.
Calvin Andrus and Edward Mickolus COMPUTUNES (Falls Church, Va.: Vinyard Software), a computer game using music, color graphics, and animation for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer and IBM‑PC compatibles.
Calvin Andrus and Edward Mickolus FICTIONARY (Falls Church, Va.: Vinyard Software, 1985), an educational computer game offering color graphics, music, and 1001 definitions for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer and IBM‑PC compatibles.
Calvin Andrus and Edward Mickolus MULTILINGUAL FLASHCARDS (Falls Church, Va.: Vinyard Software, 1985), an educational software package offering 1001 words/phrases in French, English, Spanish, Italian, and German, for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer and IBM‑PC compatibles. Edward Mickolus, Calvin Andrus, Tim Benson, and Andrew Kirby EXECUTIVE POWER TOOLS, FEATURING THE VINYARD UTILITIES (Falls Church, Va.: Vinyard Software, 1986), a set of memory-resident enhancements to the operating system used on the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. The package includes an encryption program, mailing list generator, print spooler, screen color command, screen blanker, clock, and a host of other useful programs.