This is the 21st in a series of chronologies of international and domestic terrorist attacks and global, regional, and individual government and...
This is the 20th in a series of chronologies of international and domestic terrorist attacks and global, regional, and individual government and...
International and Transnational Terrorism: Diagnosis and Prognosis (April 1976) The CIA’s first unclassified analysis of international terrorism by...
Title : International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events, 1968-1977Authors : Edward MickolusPublisher : Inter-university...
Title : Combatting International Terrorism: A Quantitative AnalysisAuthors : Edward MickolusPublisher : Ph.D. dissertation, Yale...
Title : The Terrorist List – Western EuropeAuthors : Edward Mickolus, Susan SimmonsPublisher : Praeger Security...
Title : The Terrorist List – Eastern EuropeAuthors : Edward Mickolus, Susan SimmonsPublisher : Praeger Security...
Title : The Terrorist List -South AmericaAuthors : Edward Mickolus, Susan SimmonsPublisher : Praeger Security...
Title : The Terrorist List – North AmericaAuthors : Edward Mickolus, Susan SimmonsPublisher : Praeger Security...
As Mickolus once more demonstrates, terrorism is alive and well at the beginning of the 1990s. This volume combines a chronology of terrorism, (the...