Two spies walk into a bar. . . .I’m sorry, you’re not cleared for that punchline. But you are cleared for all of the jokes, practical jokes, stories, and other forms of spy humor compiled inside this book by someone who worked for a top secret spy agency for over 30 years.
- Title : Two Spies Walk Into A Bar
- Author : Edward Mickolus
- Publisher : Wandering Woods Publishers
- Publication Date : May 10, 2018
- Language : English
- Paperback : 188 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1949173011
- ISBN-13 : 978-1949173017
- Item Weight : 9.3 ounces
- Dimensions : 6 x 0.43 x 9 inches

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Spy Song
- One-Liners
- Cover and Cover Sheets
- A Gratuitous Blonde Spy Joke, Told to Me by a Woman
- Spy Games
- More Funny Things on the Way to the Ops Meeting
- Overhead Reconnaissance Rules
- As Seen on TV
- Photocopier Lore
- A Few Gratuitous Jack Bauer Observations
- Conplan 8888: Counter-Zombie Dominance
- Classical Jokes
- Political Humor from North Korea
- The Terrorism Revue
- Glossary
Thank you so much for picking up this third book in my espionage humor trilogy. If you bought it, many more thanks. If you obtained it from the library, please tell your friends to buy their own copy. Who wants to read a “pre-read” book?
When I began this series, people would comment snidely, “What? Spies have humor?” Or “If you told me a spy joke, you’d have to kill me, right?” Looks like the joke’s on them, with three volumes of material and going strong.
It’s been heartening to write this series and see the reactions of people to it. I’ve aimed at making the intimidating world of espionage perhaps a little more approachable for readers, and let them see that we’re all normal people (well, ok, dashing, attractive, adventurous, bon vivant heroes and heroines who save the world three times before breakfast, but still just normal people) with well-developed senses of humor. And if the audiences gets a few laughs out of it as well, great.
If you’re a member of the Intelligence Community, either American or foreign, and have an item you’d like to see in Volume 4, please send it to me at mail to: [email protected].
OK, enough of an introduction; on to the guffaws.