This fourth comprehensive study of international terrorist attacks covers 2017, during which the Islamic State suffered continued reversals yet...
This comprehensive worldwide study catalogs terrorist attacks in 2018, during which the Islamic State continued its decline from a quasi-government...
Who knew the CIA needed librarians? More Stories from Langley reveals the lesser-known operations of one of the most mysterious government...
Applicants to the Central Intelligence Agency often asked Edward Mickolus what they might expect in a career there. Mickolus, a former CIA...
Insight emerges when you least expect it, and inspiration surfaces in surprising shapes and sizes—like a tiny scrap of paper tucked inside an after...
“At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but...
YOU MATTER! How do people find purpose in life at any age and stage of life. How can life, ultimately, Matter? When looking back and forward on...
At age 60 and above, your body reacts differently to exercise and diet. At the gym, you should use light weight and more repetitions to heat up your...
Jesus’s life on earth spanned just a few decades, but His Words still speak to us today two millennia later. This is a collection of only the words...
Two spies walk into a bar. . . .I’m sorry, you’re not cleared for that punchline. But you are cleared for all of the jokes, practical...