Spying in the United States began during the Revolutionary War, with George Washington as the first director of American intelligence and Benedict...
Who knew the CIA needed librarians? More Stories from Langley reveals the lesser-known operations of one of the most mysterious government...
Applicants to the Central Intelligence Agency often asked Edward Mickolus what they might expect in a career there. Mickolus, a former CIA...
Two spies walk into a bar. . . .I’m sorry, you’re not cleared for that punchline. But you are cleared for all of the jokes, practical...
For your eyes only—jokes, practical jokes, stories, and other forms of humor from the secret world of the US Intelligence Community, compiled by...
Just because they’re protecting the government from foreign threats doesn’t mean they take themselves too seriously. This collection of...
Briefing—a specialized form of public speaking tailored to a powerful audience, such as presidents, CEOs, and generals—requires developing a specific...
WHY WRITERS NEED THIS BOOK! Much of what the public believes it understands about espionage in general and the CIA in particular, and anything in...