Following previous trends of suicide bombings and violence against Western and local hostages, the 2005-2007 period saw a continuing tide of...
This is the author’s fifth chronology on international terrorism. The volumes cover the period from 1968 through 1995, and provide the most...
Title : Transnational Terrorism: Chronology of Events, 1968-79Authors : Edward MickolusPublisher : Aldwych PressPublication Date :...
This carries on the work begun by Mickolus in Transnational Terrorism: A Chronology of Events 1968-1979 (LJ 11/1/80), which LJ ‘s reviewer...
A sequel to Mickolus’ Transnational terrorism: 1968-79 (Greenwood Press, 1980). Each description includes information concerning the type of...
The most comprehensive source of global terrorist information is now up to date with the latest events, including the devastating attack of September...
This is the most recent of Mickolus’s Chronologies, reaching back to 1960. It includes informative updates on earlier terrorist events and...
“Mickolus has compiled the definitive bibliography on terrorism, superseding Augustus R. Norton’s International Terrorism. Mickolus has...
This work, together with Mickolus’s Literature of Terrorism: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography, published in 1980, provides the most...
Spanning from 1950 to 2008, The Terrorist List: The Middle East alphabetically compiles key names, affiliates, and masterminds behind major...