This is the 21st in a series of chronologies of international and domestic terrorist attacks and global, regional, and individual government and...
This is the 20th in a series of chronologies of international and domestic terrorist attacks and global, regional, and individual government and...
TRIVIA MATTERS! Whether you want to host trivia for a group of friends, lead a weekly trivia contest at a local pub, or test your own knowledge...
At age 60 and above, your body reacts differently to exercise and diet. At the gym, you should use light weight and more repetitions to heat up your...
Jesus’s life on earth spanned just a few decades, but His Words still speak to us today two millennia later. This is a collection of only the words...
Two spies walk into a bar. . . .I’m sorry, you’re not cleared for that punchline. But you are cleared for all of the jokes, practical...
For your eyes only—jokes, practical jokes, stories, and other forms of humor from the secret world of the US Intelligence Community, compiled by...
Briefing—a specialized form of public speaking tailored to a powerful audience, such as presidents, CEOs, and generals—requires developing a specific...
Can we uninstall 2020 and install it again? This version has a virus. The Internet has been working overtime with humorous memes, tweets, Facebook...
Memes have played an important part in helping us get through 2020. With lockdowns around the world, audiences have not been able to attend stand-up...